
Welcome to the Med-IQ Administrator Site

Med-IQ provides online courses for thousands of physicians and healthcare providers. We work very hard to make the experience as convenient and smooth as possible. But, we also recognize that when you have thousands of participants, there will be questions asked. Oftentimes those questions won't come directly to us, but rather, may be asked of you. Contained within this help section are several tools to assist you in answering these questions.

Contact Information for your Med-IQ Team

  • Med-IQ Client Service/Account Manager(s):
  • Med-IQ Support: (general inquiries)
  • Med-IQ 24/7 Call Center: 888-315-4356
    • Username or Password Reset: select option 1
    • Technical Support: select option 2

Med-IQ Support and Account Managers

Med-IQ offers two methods for obtaining assistance:

The first is through Med-IQ Support, a team of customer service representatives trained to respond to inquiries from providers and administrators alike.

The second is directly through your Med-IQ Account Manager. Your Account Manager is here to assist you in implementation of the program and to help you in any way to launch and promote the program to the providers in the smoothest manner possible. (We do however ask that you do not refer providers to your account manager, as it is difficult for the account manager to respond to you providing the best possible service when providers are calling directly.)

Med-IQ Support for Participants

Med-IQ is a web-based program that relies heavily on the Internet and email. Med-IQ employs a team of customer service personnel who are able to assist users via e-mail. The Med-IQ Support Staff ( is committed to providing answers and help, responding to user requests within 24 hours (our average response time is under one hour!). We have set up our support response system over e-mail because it allows us to flexibly route questions and requests to the appropriate people and take advantage of multiple time zones for the fastest possible response. Therefore, we ask you to encourage all users to take advantage of Med-IQ Support ( as it is the best and fastest method for obtaining help.

Med-IQ also works with a 24/7 call center, the call center agents are trained to assist course participants by resetting failed test scores or obtaining login information/ password resets. All other inquiries should still be directed to Med-IQ Support. The Med-IQ call center can be reached by dialing 888-315-4356, option 1 or 2.

Administrator Help

Depending on the permission level your organization has selected from Med-IQ you will have access to different reports and tools. Your first-level contact for the implementation and maintenance of your program was supplied to you during the initial set up of your program. You can reach them directly via phone or e-mail to answer any questions you have. However, please keep in mind that your account manager is not part of the Med-IQ Support Staff, and therefore is not the best resource for assisting with other issues or questions specific to course participation. This is why you want to make sure to refer these questions to Med-IQ Support (

We are very excited to be working with you and want to do all we can to help you throughout this program. Please do not hesitate to contact your Med-IQ contact to review this information or if you have questions.

Frequently Asked Questions

We have also put together the following list of Frequently Asked Questions. We hope this will provide you with an easy resource for understanding the program better. The list has been developed from real questions from real participants - our goal is to provide you with questions and answers that most closely resemble those you might encounter. The topics covered below include:

Entering the Course

Question Cause & Solution
"What is the registration code?" OR
"I need my code."
Your participants or "New Users" DO NOT need a registration code. This is because we have set up a specific web site for your organization. This issue will occur when a user fails to enter that website address exactly. Your course's website WILL NOT have a "www" like most web sites and the participant should be instructed to use the exact address created for your group.
"I forgot my password." OR
"Error message says we do not have that ID in the database"
There are three venues available for password retrieval:
Automated: If they used their e-mail address as their ID, they can have their password automatically e-mailed to them via
Online Support Team: Simply e-mail and have it sent to them
24/7 Call Center: Call the Med-IQ 24/7 Call Center (888-315-4356), option 1 for a password reset.
Error message says, 'Member Not Active.' This happens when a "Returning User's" account has been deactivated. This may occur for a number of reasons. Refer these questions to Med-IQ Support and they will assist the user in accessing their Active Account.
Error message says, 'Username Already in Database.' This occurs when a "Returning User" attempts to re-enter the course through the "New User" registration page. They simply need to back up to the Login page and enter their information as a Returning User.

Course Functionality

Question Cause & Solution
"I need to retake a test" OR
"I failed, what do I do"
In this case the "Returning User" has failed a test. Users can simply re-launch the course to retake the test. Please feel free to forward the users' emails to Med-IQ Support.

"Where is phase 2?" In this case the user may simply log into their account and visit the My Courses page. The My Courses page will show them which courses and phases they have completed.   Any new or incomplete phase appears at the top of the list.  Please note, the phases are set up to be taken and to appear in consecutive order.  If multiple phases are assigned, the current one must be successfully completed before the next will appear.   You may either refer them to their My Courses page or to Med-IQ Support for questions regarding completion.


Question Cause & Solution
"I need my CME" OR
"I took the course and am waiting for my CME"
Users may return to their My Courses page at any time to print their CME/CE Certificates. Certificates can be found by clicking on the course title or under the Certificates menu under the user profile on the left side of the My Courses Page. Med-IQ Support can help by providing instructions to retrieve CME/CE or you may forward the instructions to the user yourself - whichever is easier.
"I need proof of completion" OR
"Where are my certificates"
In this case most users feel as though they will receive something in the mail to verify that they have completed a course. The Med-IQ course, because it is web-based, provides them with the tools. Certificates can be found by clicking on the course title or under the Certificates menu under the user profile on the left side of the My Courses Page. Please feel free to refer users to Med-IQ Support.
"My insurance carrier needs proof" OR
"My insurance needs certificates"
In some cases, if an insurance carrier is new to the Med-IQ course, they will request further proof from the user. In most cases the My Courses page satisfies this requirement, but the company may need further information from Med-IQ. Please feel free to contact either Med-IQ Support or your Med-IQ Project Manager in this case.
"Where is the next phase?" In this case the user may simply log into their account and visit the My Courses page. The My Courses page will show them which courses and phases they have completed.   Any new or incomplete phase appears at the top of the list.  Please note the phases are setup to be taken and to appear in consecutive order.  If multiple phases are assigned, the current one must be successfully completed before the next will appear.  You may either refer them to their My Courses page or to Med-IQ Support.
"I couldn't get my CME certificate for the post project" Unfortunately, the specialty specific post projects are not accredited for CME. You may refer them to Med-IQ Support or let them know that CME is not available on the Post Project.

Course Administrator FAQ

Question Cause & Solution
A user's name is appearing more than once in your reports This is because a user has registered multiple times for a course. Please contact Med-IQ Support to merge accounts and remove the duplicity.

You forgot your admin account information! Med-IQ Support can provide you with your information, please just be sure to mention that you are an Administrator.

The reports are confusing Your Med-IQ Account Manager or Med-IQ Support is available to assist you with the Reports and Tools available to you.

A physician is no longer in the program. Please contact Med-IQ Support to deactivate a user's account, so they are no longer able to login.

A physician said they took the course, but they are not in the reports, OR, a physician that you do not have in your group is appearing in your reports This is caused by a user incorrectly selecting their group or department during registration or because the user has taken the courses through another hospital. Please contact Med-IQ Support to relocate a user's account to the correct department or verify participation if the user should not be moved.

Glossary of Commonly Used Med-IQ Terms

ELM Term Definition
Case Each Med-IQ course is comprised of a number of cases. These cases are based on actual events and are used to illustrate the legal principles of the course. A case contains a "Case Situation" and an "Analysis".

My Courses The My Courses page provides a list of available courses, complete courses and scores. It is what is used as "Proof of Completion" for most institutions. The My Courses page is the landing point for all course participants and will tell them which courses they have taken, which courses they need to take, how they scored, as well as link them to their CME/CE certificates. It is a great place to send a user if they are unsure of their course progress.

New User This is a participant who has not yet registered with in the Med-IQ system.

Password This is used in combination with the Username to secure a users account. The user will create their own password during registration. A password can be reset upon request through the Med-IQ 24/7 Call Center (888-315-4356, option 1 or

Phase A phase is made up of courses or units selected by your institution. It is the Med-IQ term for Year. Phase I = Year 1 for most institutions.

Regcode Med-IQ term short for Registration Code. This is the codename given to different departments, specialties or groups, depending on how your organization requested the system be set up.

Returning User This is a participant who has already registered with the Med-IQ Course.

Units or Unit ID Med-IQ term for course. This is a four-digit code, ie, 1011 or 2258.

Username This is what Med-IQ uses to track each users progress through the course. It is selected by the user during registration with the Med-IQ course. We recommend that all users select an email address as their Username, because we are then able to communicate with them via email